Want A Great Smile? Try These Teeth Whitening Tips

If teeth whitening has always intrigued you, but you were either too wary to try it or unsure of where to begin, then this article is for you. You can find the answers here to all your teeth whitening questions, enabling you to achieve the bast results possible.

The citric acid in fresh lemons makes them a natural teeth whitener. A fresh lemon peel can be rubbed on your teeth each day, in order to gain a natural pearly white smile. This is simple, fast and economical. The peel of a lemon works well for teeth whitening, without the harsh, artificial substances that are in some other whitening treatments.

When whitening your smile it is important to remember that you can only whiten natural teeth. Artificial surfaces will not take to the whitening process. This applies to implants and crowns, as well as any type of fillings and veneers. If you have natural teeth and unnatural surfaces, you can have uneven coloring.

Whitening products can cause your teeth to become sensitive. This may be a temporary thing, but it is still quite painful. If you experience any pain, discontinue using the product until you consult with your dentist. The dentist might recommend one to you that won’t cause the same reaction.

Closely follow the instructions on the your whitening product. Rather than giving you whiter teeth, it will result in gum inflammation, mouth irritation and possible irreparable damage to your teeth. Don’t extend any teeth-whitening session beyond the amount of time listed in the product’s instructions.

A mixture of baking soda and water will prove to be a teeth whitening product that is both effective and all-natural. Baking soda is soft on your teeth, but it contains enough abrasive agents to remove stains. For a more concentrated paste, wet your toothbrush then dip it directly into baking soda.

Ideally, these suggestions have helped you discover ways to increase the brightness of your smile. You are going to love your new smile! Get ready to see your smile in a whole new way!

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